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About Us

Occupational Therapist

I am
Megan Melrose

I am Megan Melrose and I have been a Pediatric Occupational Therapist for 20 years.

 I hold a passion for helping kids by utilizing nature, life balance, and play. Kids need mental and physical space to grow within so many personal areas of life. My goal is to support parents and teach their children to connect, learn and grow.

 I enjoy watching the interaction between children and the strategies they come up with to problem solve or support peers. I love the outdoors and helping others. Putting the child in control of a safe environment to explore and learn helps them understand their unique self.

My goal as an OT is to nurture a child’s natural play and social skills. I support them by helping them to navigate perfectionism and to manage and minimize their stress levels. When a child enjoys play it helps them to better connect to them selves and their peers. Learning coping strategies early in life will have a huge impact on their future.

Occupational Therapist

I am Laura Baldi

An outdoor enthusiast with a background in Occupational Therapy.

Why Occupational Therapy?

The power in Nature is so amazing that it has the qualities and characteristics to decrease the brain’s “Fight or flight” response. The pressures of day-to-day life to be productive, achieve and constantly being turned “on” is overwhelming. Children experience these same very big feelings during a single day.

 When time is spent in nature and pressures are removed the nervous system is in a more restful state, which allows an individual to calm and relax. Although the time in nature is temporary the effects on the nervous system have a much longer effect. When in nature the body releases feel-good chemicals “serotonin” and “dopamine” which are essential in mental health and wellness. -Jessica Roost

Giving children an opportunity to connect with nature, also enables them to learn more about themselves.

Who Needs Occupational Therapy?

  • Age 0-12 years
  • Plateau in current OT services
  • Previously qualified for OT services
  • Appears unhappy, frustrated, nervous, shy, attention-seeking
  • Possesses Sensory needs including hypersensitivity (seeking input) or hyposensitivity (avoiding input)

Is This Right For Me?

  • Supports emotional and mental development
  • Provides input for Sensory needs
  • Social skills growth
  • Emotional regulation (empathy and compassion)
  • Decreases stress and anxiety
  • Anxiety symptoms
  • Supports physical development
  • Enhances attention and motivation for engagement
  • Children who can remain with a small group without wandering out of the site